The original Lloret de mar bar guide..number
Lloret de mar is one of the most famous tourist resorts in Spain but it wasnt always that way Step back in time and enjoy!
Lloret de mar....a small fishing village
Beautiful old photographs of the stunning coastline
Inevitably the history of Lloret is dominated by the sea, in the 19th century there were many shipyards and its said that more than 100 ships of different tonnage were constructed in Lloret de mar.
The ships were used to sail the Atlantic to the 'Indies' where the people traded goods to make their fortunes. They returned rich and spent their wealth in their home town often constucting magnificent houses.
When the last of the colonies were lost the people of Lloret returned to the cork industry and fishing as livelihoods until the birth of International tourism in the 1950s
Many of the mansions are gone now as the arrival of tourism demanded hotels and facilities for the masses.
Have a look at the 'Old Lloret de mar youtube video..its stunning!!
1966 - millenium
Lauretum - Lloret
LAURETUM was the Latin name for the town during Roman times it is thought the name was inspired by the number of laurels to be found on the beach.
Over the years the name changed to Lauredo,Loredo,Loreto finally arriving at Lloret
The first reference to Lloret was in a parchment dating from the year 966 and so in 1966 the town celebrated their millenium.
The lasting monument to this great occassion is the Dona Marinera a bronze statue that symbolises the women that wait for their sailor men/husbands
"yo iba a bañarme con mis primitos en la zona Cala Bayns y un dia me acuerdo que nos quedamos alli a presenciar la inaguracion de la estatua .
la marinera ,me acuerdo que mi abuela trabajaba ahí cerca en un chiringito y fui apedirle permiso para quedarme mas rato para ver todo el acto de inaguracíon" an exciting occasion for this local child.
In the 1950s and '60s the tourists started to arrive
things changed forever!
The above photo's were sent by Mr Tony Porter who holidayed in Lloret de mar in the 1950s more to follow

estos son mis Padres ,trabajaron una epoca de Fotografos
mi padre hacia fotos en los años 54 -60 en bodegas ,restaurantes Hoteles etc. y mi madre estaba en la tienda de fotos y hacia fotos de flamenca, bailarin ,torero.
It must have been an exciting (& confusing!) time for the people of Lloret when the 'foreigners' started to arrive
Marta's parents totally embraced tourism and understood and enjoyed the benefits it brought to Lloret de mar
foto 1963 lloret de Mar
unos amigos mi Madre y yo . saludos Marta.
una foto en la barra mis, Papa con turistas de esa epoca ,nos visitaban muchos Ingleses ..vino y tapa 3Pts y tambien por menos las tapas solian ser mejillones aliñados con tomate ,los clientes se servian ellos mismos de los barriles el vino ,me acuerdo que el moscatel se acababa antes que los demas ... ,los turistas,escribian versos ,poemas y dedicatorias en las paredes eso era una tradición ,siempre habia alguien que tocaba la guitarra y las castañuelas.
This 1963/1964 photograph shows Marta and her parents outside their bar el candil
in calle carmen Lloret de mar
Inside with locals and holidaymakers...fantastic old picture
Imagine the transition from sleepy fishing village to busy tourist resort!
A child of the time shares this:
despues empezo la epoca Hippie ...ver tanto turista caminar descalzo y con los cabellos largos eso era facinante!!!
te cuento una anecdota en el año 1965 soliamos ir los niños a la Iglesia de lloret de mar NO A MISA solamente ..
sino a mirar ,como el Guardia sonaba el silbato ,pitaba alas mujeres turistas que pasaban por delante de la Iglesia con los brazos descubiertos y escotadas ,y habia un joven que se dedicaba a vender velos y pañuelos este hacia el negocio de su vida .
cada vez que pitaba a una chica ,esta salia corriendo comprando un velo ya de paso se lo llevaba de souvenir .
Working in Lloret de mar and Tossa De Mar in 1962 & 1963 by Ray Morris
Now that the 2012 summer season is commencing on the Costa Brava I cast back to events of exactly fifty years ago in 1962. During my first year in England on a working holiday from Australia in 1962, I became friendly with a Spanish guy named Miguel Collell and when he moved back to Spain in May 1962 I accompanied him in the hope of finding work in Spain. My friend persuaded Sr Emilio Alberti to give me a trial as a barman at the Chez Biel bar fronting onto the beach at Tossa and I worked there until the end of the tourist season, learning to speak rudimentary Spanish and also learning many naughty words in Catalan
The Captains Arms
After spending a miserable winter in Southhampton I returned to Tossa in April 1963 and lined up a job in the same bar. However Tony Batey and his partner Eric Richards head-hunted me and I soon moved to Lloret to become their first employee at the Captain's Arms in early May 1963. Your commendable website mentions that the Captains Arms was one of the first bars of its type in Lloret. In fact it was the sole English-pub style bar in Lloret throughout the 1963 summer season and it became very popular with English holidaymakers. English light and dark draught beer (Double Diamond brand brewed by Ind-Coope) was imported for the Captains Arms and no other bar in Lloret had draught beer of any kind. San Miguel was the most popular bottled beer but some other bars sold Estrella Dorada or Moritz bottled beer. Sadly Eric Richards suffered a fatal heart attack, leaving Tony Batey to carry on the business. Local residents continued to call the Captain's Arms "El Capitan" as it had been named before Tony and Eric took over. In 1963 there was a walled courtyard which was not used very much. When I last visited Lloret in 1966 I noticed that Tony had built an upstairs patio above the courtyard and the place was crowded with English tourists enjoying themselves.
After closing the Captain's Arms in 1963 for the winter, I earned money by helping to pull in the fishing nets on the Lloret beach early each morning. It was just like the first photograph in your website collection. While we waited in darkness on the beach, the fishing boat laid a net with cork floats parallel to the beach about 500 metres offshore. At about sunrise the boat brought two long thick ropes ashore, attached to both ends of the net. There were two teams on the beach, with perhaps 30 in each team and at first the two teams were about 200 metres apart on the beach. Each of us was issued with a looped shoulder rope with a large piece of cork on the loose end. We would repeatedly walk to the water's edge and swing our rope so that it wound around the main rope and then we would trudge up the beach, pulling the net closer and closer to the shore. It took at least two hours to haul the net ashore and towards the end, both teams were moving closer and closer together. Everybody then set to pulling the small fish out of the mesh and throwing them into boxes for the Barcelona market. Everybody called those fish "salsos" but I don't know the English name.
If you think that this might be of interest to others, use it as you see fit - Thank you very much Ray: Maggie.
Ray Morris
Brisbane Australia
James Vale Lloret de mar 1969
Hello Maggie, I was on holiday in Lloret in 1968 and went back to work there the following summer.
The photo of the 'El Rancho' guitarist brought back memories of my first job working as a kitchen porter, washer up/chips chef in El Rancho.
It was owned by Siva an Indian who passed himself off as a Mexican for the tourists, he did his own propoganda..standing in the street outside wearing an outsized sombrero and poncho speaking English in a 'B' movie Mexican accent.
The bar had a glassed wall kitchen so that customers could watch their food being cooked [also by Siva] it was my job to keep the kitchen very clean.
I worked seven days a week from 17.30-02.00 for 1060 pts a week plus staff dinner and free beer, the pension where I stayed cost 350 pts a week which meant I could afford to live.
Bar El Rancho 1969
The arrival of the British tourists brought a change of scene to Lloret with many British pubs opening with imported beers and casual jobs for the 'Brits abroad'
If anyone remembers more about the early bars please email, Maggie Vinall:
Isidoro & Rafael working in the Corner Inn in 1970
The Frigola Hotel waitresses, the head waiter and Joaquin pictured in the dining room in 1969
below a more informal photo of the staff at lunchtime..more relaxed picture!!
Cena del personal del Hotel Flamingo como cierre de la temporada 1969
foto tomada en el comedor de clientes al final de la cena.
En el año 1969 en el comedor del Hotel Flamingo esperando para empezar el servicio de comedor a mi lado Angelita actual propietaria del Bar Andalucia a su lado su prima Juanita esposa de Angel propietario de la actual Peña del Real Madrid las demas le he perdido el rastro
If you have any old pictures of Lloret Hotels or their staff or if you worked in a Lloret hotel much did you earn? were the tips good? Please contact me:
Maggie Vinall
These lovely ladies were pictured in Hotel Niza, now the Esmeralda Hotel
Thank you to Jose Salmaron for sharing the two pictures below
A welcome beer for Jose & crew
The boats still operate from Lloret beach offering tourist trips to different beaches and towns whilst enjoying the beautiful Costa Brava coastline
Holiday photographs were an important part of any tourists stay in
Lloret de mar, the perfect souvenir
These holiday photographs show tourists enjoying a typical Spanish Barbecue
A view of Lloret de mar beach in 1962
A slightly different view but look how much more built up it is in 1969
The Moby Dick English Pub in 1972
This gorgeous pic of the Rosamar was sent by Mariano Aladren
caballo negro 1974 C/ S. Olegario frente mof-gaga

littel-barrel 1976 frente a la iglesia
Fernando singing in Caballo Negro 1982/3?
Cafetteria Royal (frente Canaletas) en 1969
Lots of interesting stuff about Lloret de mar on our four NEW blogs