The 'original' Lloret de mar bar guide..number
Lloret de mar ex workers reunion parties 2013......yes its that time again
Come and join us...all welcome
2013 Funky Monkey

Lloret de mar ex workers reunion parties 2012
Lots of good food, good company..good crack..join us

Ex workers of Lloret de mar had a very successful reunion in May 2010
Lets do it all again!!!!...We did it! look down the page
If you have ever worked in Lloret de mar you are invited to the 2011 extravagaza meeting old mates and generally boozing it up!!
There are two very good facebook groups for the reunion please join below:
this page is for those that dont do f/b to keep you upto date with all the latest dates and arrangements..please join really happened!! have a look:
Check out the youtube videos below lots of lovely people
The plan
Meet Fri 23rd Sept 2011
in Buzzbys
Rob Roy Sat 24th Sept 2011
Looking into a meal at El Recs
Sunday booze up at
Shamrock Irish bar and Rickys
all welcome for a night of 70s fun Lloret de mar style (steaming then!!)
London/Lloret reunion
Saturday 29th October 2011
The Greengate Pub
Turnpike Lane
Lloret de mar ex workers London reunion
Yes, It happened! and many thanks to Ellen for making it happen! a good time was had by all.
Pics below are from 2010 reunion
Who do you know??
See more of Lindas pics:
The Facebook groups are still open..loads of your mates on there
1997 reunion are you here??
More of Linda Pics photo's:
Lots of interesting stuff about Lloret de mar on our four NEW blogs